Monday, April 18, 2011

So much to say!

Eventually I will talk about everything... my secrets, why I took a long sabbatical, etc.  One thing at a time.  Lets start with some basic information and then we can always go from there.  I'm a 35 year old woman.  I have two children 7 & 4.  I have been married for over 10 years, of those ten years I cheated on/off for 5.  My husband is fourteen years older than I am.  Sometimes I feel like a drug addict and I know that is a silly statement to make as I don't think I'm a nympho or anything like that but I do feel as though I have a problem, well many, but that's a whole different story.  I am a mom first and foremost, work PT out of the home, and own a business with my husband that I do some work for but am about to start working much more for as both kids will be in school this year.  I come from a divorced family, but great parents.  No home is perfect but I was raised well, and had a pretty good life.  When I met my husband I was 20 on our first date and 21 on our second.  He was this MAN and I was very intrigued by him.  He had never been married and had no children.  All of my friends were off partying at college or home, and living crazy lives and I was falling in love and getting ready to settle down early!  I had a great job, was making really good money at a young age.  I was living the life of someone about ten years older that I was.  I feel in love with him quickly and visa versa.  We had a long engagement but I was married before I was 24.  So again while my friends were living their lives I was learning how to be a good wife.  We didn't have kids right away cause we wanted to just enjoy each other.  We bought a house, got a dog, all the good stuff.  We did a lot together, had fun, lived out lives, etc.  I would say it's safe to say I was happy!  I never cheated, or dreamed of it until my first child was about 18 months.  I was looking to cheat, it just kinda happened.  You know the old fashion way.  No posts on websites... just met a man who made me feel like I was hot, sexy, and he wanted me.  He was gorgeous!  Totally beautiful.  I could never have dreamed that a man that hot would want a girl like me, but he did.  So that was that I screwed his brains out for an entire weekend and then we decided to see each other on the side.  We didn't live close so that helped.  This lasted for a few months until one day he said something about me making his stomach feel funny, or something like that.  That was pretty much the end of that!

Then there was "J" and he was my fun, in the car,  have sex several times a week on our lunch break.  I kind of took him for granted!  He have the best oral I've ever had.  He made me feel good... just plain good.  He was always there for me.  I could say more about him and maybe I will over time but mainly he was very cool, a friend and a lover.  The only lover I ever have or would have to my house (2x).  Anyway, we don't even really keep in touch anymore but that is because I told him not to and I'm sure if I contacted him today he'd invite me to his backseat tomorrow... but unfortunately that won't be happening.

That brings me to "R" or formerly known as "the traveler".  He rocked my world and then almost brought it all crashing down on me.  I wrote some really great posts about him and I, our experiences together... I'm so bummed I deleted it all.  I wish I could have saved even an achieve folder of it so I could go back and read it.  I miss him... sometimes!  I will continue to divulge information as I write about why I stopped writing, what has happened over the last year along with whatever else may be on my mind at the time.  I just have to say I'm slowly finding all my favorite blogs to read from before and catching up on what has happened in every one's lives and it makes me almost "giddy" to read and write again.  Kind of therapeutic and since the hubby and I can't find our, way to therapy I will use this as my therapy in the meantime.  I also may have a new friend... we will call him "M" but it's a little to new to write much except he is sweet!  I know boring but who knows.
